Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hello '09

Holy Guacamole! 2009.

Can you believe it? I can hardly wrap my mind around it.
We're already eight years past 2001, and I still don't have a flying car.

I have so much to say about the holiday season, but I was tooo busy actually doing it to blog about it. Maybe I'll do some retro entries. Maybe I won't.

all said.. HAPPY NEW YEAR folks.

Bad idea.

I'm simply going to move forward with my life.

We spent a wonderful NYE with another couple whom we love and with whom we always have great fun. We love you so much, darlings. I'm sorry we didn't help clean up more, but for the first time in many, many years, I HURT today. Damn. You'd think that since I'm so polished at this drinking and smoking thing that it wouldn't be any different than most late nights.
But oh noooooo!

I had to buy an unfamiliar brand of champagne... and too much of it. And boy, did I pay for it.. in pain and suffering this morning.

But you know what? It was worth every single throbbing ounce of pain.
All of them.

Welcome home, 2009. '08 wasn't so bad for us, and we sure look forward to more good things in 2009.

09, bitches. That means next NYE is 2-0-1-0.


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