Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wheatie woes

Dammit. Now I know I'm proving something to myself and I'm not happy about it.

You know that wheat and/or gluten thing I'm experimenting with? No? Well, long story short, I am.
A week off ALL of it and I dropped down 4 lbs. Without cutting anything else, nor moving more.

One night on a eating-out "can't stand it, must have a couple sliders and a few bites of that choccy sponge cake" and bam! 3 lbs immediately back, not to mention the horrible tummy rumbles all night and into the next day. Oh yes, and swollen eyes, congested sinuses, and blocked-up ears.
I'm wondering if dropping it out of the diet does the same sort of thing as dropping meat, where you lose the enzymes for digesting it at all and end up sick as a parrot when you do eat it?

I don't miss bread very much, nor cake, cookies, etc. I'm not a big baked goodie fan.
But crackers. I miss crackers very much. And fresh oil-grilled pita bread. There is nothing, I'm telling you, NOTHING on this earth that will substitute for that. And I don't mind allowing myself the occasional indulgence, but not if it's a matter of the sensitivity getting worse from cutting it out completely.

Or maybe I just have a touch of a good immune system fighting off the stomach flu that's been going round at work?
Yah, that's it.

Maybe I'll try and believe THAT for a day or two.

Monday, January 19, 2009

thank you Dr. Martin Luther King

Thank you for your vision, your courage and your selfless commitment to standing up, not only for race, but also for the reaches of poverty and the vision that America is taking so very long to realize.

We have a dream, too. Thank you, America for reaching further for that vision.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Notice how quickly I fell off the Blog a Day wagon in just over one short yet busy month?

I promise content soon, I really do. For now, enjoy an old silly picture of me at the Gazebo. It rather represents the way I feel I'm going along right now...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Lost, not a series

I've lost my beloved camera. The one with all the New Year's Eve photos of Gypsee's last drinks, and food and the kitties jumping up the walls.
I could swear that I took it to a party at Lulu's but thus far there is no response from folks who may have seen me whip it out or drop it. I'm depressed at the thought of having spent my first few days of the New Year in loss.

But I did find something really nifty. Spam singles. No, not random dating emails, but honest-to-Goodness that stuff in a can in little individual packages. I'm one of the folks who secretly like Spam. I despise, however, the size of a can of Spam because after one little slice of it, I'm sick of it already.
No really... check it out.


But it still doesn't make up for not being able to find my camera.

ETA: Goddess Lulu's great hubby man just showed up at my workspace with my camera in hand. It had a few extra kid pix on it that were pretty funny, but it's safe!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hello '09

Holy Guacamole! 2009.

Can you believe it? I can hardly wrap my mind around it.
We're already eight years past 2001, and I still don't have a flying car.

I have so much to say about the holiday season, but I was tooo busy actually doing it to blog about it. Maybe I'll do some retro entries. Maybe I won't.

all said.. HAPPY NEW YEAR folks.

Bad idea.

I'm simply going to move forward with my life.

We spent a wonderful NYE with another couple whom we love and with whom we always have great fun. We love you so much, darlings. I'm sorry we didn't help clean up more, but for the first time in many, many years, I HURT today. Damn. You'd think that since I'm so polished at this drinking and smoking thing that it wouldn't be any different than most late nights.
But oh noooooo!

I had to buy an unfamiliar brand of champagne... and too much of it. And boy, did I pay for it.. in pain and suffering this morning.

But you know what? It was worth every single throbbing ounce of pain.
All of them.

Welcome home, 2009. '08 wasn't so bad for us, and we sure look forward to more good things in 2009.

09, bitches. That means next NYE is 2-0-1-0.
