Sunday, December 21, 2008

and so the wheel turns again...

yay for the Winter Solstice! I know that we still have two more nasty months of winter, but I always feel cheered to know that at least the days are going to get longer now.

The cold weather has given me brilliant excuses to snuggle in today with a cuddly and persistent kitty on my lap. He occasionally nudges the edge of my laptop if I fall short with the distracted pettings. I think da Jbird has snored out with the other fuzzybutt, who we were planning to trim up this weekend, but .. we all just feel so comfy right now.

Tonight... the annual Gratitude party for the Red Lyon crew. I'm wimping out and taking a meat/cheese/crackers platter but I'm sure that there will be plenty of warm yummies from the other party-go'ers.

and so now... another nap!

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