Tuesday, February 10, 2009

further thoughts on the food issues

Lactose Intolerance? Now here's a thought.

From what I've seen, most adults are lactose intolerant. It develops as a normal process of the digestive system. After all, why would we want to consume the same nutrition into our adulthood that produces 600 lb baby cattle?
However, some people who are of Northern Euro extraction and those of the steppes of Mongolia (who are nomadic and drink their horses milk) are better able to tolerate milk. Yay for us.
As you may have been following here, I'm working out trying to narrow down the food intolerances I've been experiencing. This is one I may look into, but not for right now.
But check this out....Lactose in non-dairy products (from Wikipedia on Lactose Intolerance)

Lactose (also present when labels state lactoserum, whey, milk solids, modified milk ingredients, etc) is a commercial food additive used for its texture, flavor and adhesive qualities, and is found in foods such as processed meats, (sausages/hot dogs, sliced meats, Pâtés), gravy stock powder, margarines, sliced breads, breakfast cereals, potato chips,[52] dried fruit, processed foods, medications, pre-prepared meals, meal replacement (powders and bars), protein supplements (powders and bars).

Meats! breads! Potato chips!

Dammit, what a mess this eating habit turns out to be, eh?


Megan Stuke said...

I'm almost completely off dairy, which is too bad, because I love cheese and I love yogurt. I allow myself the occasional indulgence of it, but by and large I think milk is just plain bad for us.

I mean, no other species drinks it after weaning. Why us?

And, it doesn't give us the calcium the dairy industry would have us believe it does. There are other, better sources. Like that little chocolate-y chewy pill I take every morning.

Redhead Fae said...

Wow, I'm sorry you can't do cheese and yogurt. I'm definitely okay with them, and I totally agree that milk is an unnecessary evil for adults.
There are also some studies out that show too much dairy calcium actually creates osteoporosis.
Well.. makes sense to me, it mainly hits Brit women, and who else consumes more dairy products?

Best thing I like doing for my future bone health?
Movement! I enjoy lifting small weights and challenging myself against my own body.
Haha! You'll get plenty of that in a few months. ;)

Rikki said...

i'm lactose intolerant and so is cleo. I got tested for gluten intolerance, and supposedly i'm ok there. we'll see...