Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, 'ello, 'ello, 'ello...

I've an inkling that I may find a few additional drive-by readers here due to some interviewee thingy I did. (Thingy= word inserted for the main purpose of amusing one of my dear friends).

Welcome, you lot.

I'd have wanted to insert some lovely profound blog here to impress you, but alas, migraine torture hit me today, and I'm stumped and blinded by the light of this laptop.

Do pop round for another visit when I can clean the place up a bit, eh? it's all untidy since I've been.. you know.. busy.

and now, I'm off to bed to recoup for tomorrow. The Migraine Monster wasn't tamed due to a pharmacy thingy that forbids them from refilling my Imitrex without contacting da doc. Rat Bastards. have I mentioned that I hate the pharma industry?

Roya, aka Goddess Bodice-Ripper

PS.. I don't always talk about food allergies and sh*t, but it's on my mind lately. Perhaps it's sauntering along down my brain paths, hand-in-hand with the Migraine Monster, both of them laughing behind my back at my attempt to be pithy.

PPs.. I didn't lisp. I meant that word.


One Toothbrush said...

Have you tried Zomig? Works wonders for me.

Redhead Fae said...

Sounds like something to check out, thanks!