Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So much to say, so little time

Geez, I'm 7 today (in bitch years, that is).

I had a super weekend, a busy catch-up w/ my honey two evenings, and haven't blogged as promised. so.. spank me.
No, really, don't actually do that. It kinda creeps me out unless it's done for me on my terms, but regardless...

Any of my pals who care to drop by this evening around 6'ish to the Global Cafe downtown and have a sammich or dinner w/ me and some of ma crew, lemme know.
I hope that it's ok to bring a bottle or two of vino, but I did ask the owner to stock up on Boulevard Beers for tonight :)


Megan Stuke said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday, my dear friend!

Redhead Fae said...


Anonymous said...

Happy BDay!!

Redhead Fae said...

Thank you, Mel!

Rikki said...

Happy belated bday! (Boy am I ever behind in EVERYTHING!)