Saturday, November 01, 2008


Hello lovies!

Now, that heading does NOT mean the naughty things that are going through YOUR minds. It's the National Blog Posting Month, meaning "post something Every Day for a month".
I'd also join the NaNoWriMo, but I'm horrible at it. Maybe I'll do it anyway, just to make me accomplish something during my birthday month.

Join Me? I thought you'd never ask.
Right here.

C'mon, lets try it together... let me know and I'll add you to my reader list. I know, I'm already behind one day, but wtf, anyway. It'll still get us all connecting.

Luv you's!


Anonymous said...

I joined Nanowrimo! Of course, right now I am doing the blog tour rather than writing my obligatory 1667 words for the day. Man, I wish they had a Procrastinators Month! I think I could probably accomplish the blog posting every day for a month thing though! I shall try eet!

Redhead Fae said...

Yay! One on board. We'll nudge each other if we don't get to posting each day, deal?

Anonymous said...

Deal! Rikki is doing it too!