Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm mad at my blog

I spent, I think, what was hours putting up a pimping post and it's gone.
I thought that the Intramysteries ate it, but I know too much about tech to believe that.
I even bragged to the gal I made up the blog for that it was online.

But it wasn't.
It was in the Drafts folder. I had saved it to take some pics and add them and then spaced off doing it.

Oh, the shame.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Dying of the QT

It's happened, I've gone completely aww-melty poo.

Go lookit

My milk toof.
If you dare.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pimp My Friends' Blogs

I'm bored with this blog and have decided that it was much more fun to pimp my friends' blogs and etsy shops instead. Besides that, there is a fine line between blogging and revealing far too much of my private life. I just don't care to do that.

come back soon.. for I shall start posting fun things about other people whose work I love, or admire, or sometimes just find interesting and don't really know the person behind it that well.