Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weird health things

I haven't been around here much, and to be quite honest, I haven't felt like going anywhere at all lately.
The sunshine out today was lovely but I missed most of it. I stayed home and slept off most of the day. The entire back of my right leg is numb and has been that way for days, the front of my shin has been longer than that. I'm getting dizzy spells and Jay came home to find me out on the laundry room floor. I'm not sure what happened, but I think it's connected to my fall last year. I had a new scrip filled for the nerve pain, it's Gabapentin, and perhaps it's affecting me oddly. I couldn't hold onto stuff today very well, and my sight was really blurry. Yah, there's something going on for sure, and yes, I'm frightened. But I learned a new term.. pressure palsies. It sure sounds funny, but it's something that's been happening to me off and on for quite some time. That's when bits go numb for ages just from having pressure on the nerves. I'm up for trying megadoses of B12 and thiamine. I'm almost up for more tests, but I'm really trying to avoid them for now. I know from experience with them that te results usually don't tell me anything and just raise more questions.
I have a sneaking suspicion of what I have, and thus far all the neurologist (who is an arrogant ass, actually) can tell me is Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy.
I've found info that matches my history, but I'm keeping it mum for now since I don't know. The only part that doesn't make sense is that what I suspect I have is supposed to be hereditary, and as far as I know, neither mum nor dad have it.

This is a lot to take in, I know. it's been a lot for me everytime it happens.
But I'm okay, and I'm going to be okay. Okay?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, 'ello, 'ello, 'ello...

I've an inkling that I may find a few additional drive-by readers here due to some interviewee thingy I did. (Thingy= word inserted for the main purpose of amusing one of my dear friends).

Welcome, you lot.

I'd have wanted to insert some lovely profound blog here to impress you, but alas, migraine torture hit me today, and I'm stumped and blinded by the light of this laptop.

Do pop round for another visit when I can clean the place up a bit, eh? it's all untidy since I've been.. you know.. busy.

and now, I'm off to bed to recoup for tomorrow. The Migraine Monster wasn't tamed due to a pharmacy thingy that forbids them from refilling my Imitrex without contacting da doc. Rat Bastards. have I mentioned that I hate the pharma industry?

Roya, aka Goddess Bodice-Ripper

PS.. I don't always talk about food allergies and sh*t, but it's on my mind lately. Perhaps it's sauntering along down my brain paths, hand-in-hand with the Migraine Monster, both of them laughing behind my back at my attempt to be pithy.

PPs.. I didn't lisp. I meant that word.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

further thoughts on the food issues

Lactose Intolerance? Now here's a thought.

From what I've seen, most adults are lactose intolerant. It develops as a normal process of the digestive system. After all, why would we want to consume the same nutrition into our adulthood that produces 600 lb baby cattle?
However, some people who are of Northern Euro extraction and those of the steppes of Mongolia (who are nomadic and drink their horses milk) are better able to tolerate milk. Yay for us.
As you may have been following here, I'm working out trying to narrow down the food intolerances I've been experiencing. This is one I may look into, but not for right now.
But check this out....Lactose in non-dairy products (from Wikipedia on Lactose Intolerance)

Lactose (also present when labels state lactoserum, whey, milk solids, modified milk ingredients, etc) is a commercial food additive used for its texture, flavor and adhesive qualities, and is found in foods such as processed meats, (sausages/hot dogs, sliced meats, Pâtés), gravy stock powder, margarines, sliced breads, breakfast cereals, potato chips,[52] dried fruit, processed foods, medications, pre-prepared meals, meal replacement (powders and bars), protein supplements (powders and bars).

Meats! breads! Potato chips!

Dammit, what a mess this eating habit turns out to be, eh?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Healthiest Foods

Jumping onto the healthy food bandwagon, I took the above quiz to see what nutrients I might be lacking in my diet. I eat pretty healthily, or so I think. I don't eat fast foods, stuff that comes in a box, and I avoid MSG and HFCS. I'm a firm believer in Real Food, not anything that's a substitute for something else. I believe that we're built to eat foods that exist naturally, not chemical compositions that are still untested for long-term use. I feel justified in this since it's been discovered that margarine, not butter is a culprit in heart disease.
I used to have a "Cast-Iron Stomach" and could eat almost anything without consequences, but as I get older that is changing and it annoys me. I'm an unapologetic meat-eater and my health does better with than without it.

All that said, I seem to be deficient in plenty o' nutrients due to my lack of veggies in my diet. I just don't like 'em that much, haven't found many that appeal to me. If it can go into a salad, I'm good with it.. otherwise, meh.

I'm also fond of eating efficiently... if I can eat less and get more out of it, so much the better. This is why I prefer full cream over milk, high quality steak over hamburger, and so on. But regardless, I show up most likely deficient in B12, Magnesium, Folate, B6, Iron, Zinc, Vit D, and a few others. Actually, they didn't ask me about my outdoor habits or meat-eating, so I can assume this is slightly skewed.

Anyway, according the this site the Number One food that can supply me with most of my deficiencies?

Boiled Spinach.

I'm doomed. Boiled Spinach is disgusting. I'd much rather eat it raw, and wouldn't it make more sense that it would be better for me?

Take the quiz yourself and see how you fare.