Catty talk...
For those of you who know me, Ymir needed a trimming.
For those who don't, Ymir (we pronounce it "Meers", don't ask why) is my huge swear-he's-part-bobcat fuzzy boy kitty. His fur is composed of two cats that had no business getting that friendly, a Turkish Angora momma and an unknown poppa. We think it may have been a bobcat, he's so muscular and massive, but he's also a total sissy, so poppa was obviously not around to teach him various big, bad bobcat ways.
so.. I've been taking him out to various groomers, and much to my dismay, most of them keep him in his little carrier for hours, only to take him out right before I get there and make me wait while they hurriedly "shave" the poor little bugger. He makes terrible noises and the whole thing is an ordeal, except when all is done, and he loves his new haircut. This only takes place once he's home and safe of course. Fewer and fewer groomers are willing to do cats, and even fewer want to mess with my Big Ole Kitty.
I bought a rather pricey (for WalMart, that is) set of trimmer/clippers and have had them charged up in the kitchen for, oh about three weeks now. Ymir had finally gotten to the point where his fur was threatening to not only mat in another week, but downright turn to felt, which it has done in the past. This past Sunday, Jbird and I scooped him up onto a sheet on the kitchen counter, and with Jbird holding fast to him, I gave him a very um.. choppy buzzcut. The best part is that he only protested a couple of times and we let him go when he started getting really determined to bust free of Jbird's grip, or break a foreleg in the process. He got lots of praise, a big pile of catnip, and the funniest buzzcut ever given a poor fuzzy kitty. Don't tell him it looks awful. I'm rather proud that we managed to do it at all, and I'm pretty sure I'll get better at this the next few times around.
Ymirs got a trim, I got a fuzzy eye, and Jbird is rather grateful that his head is easier to buzz than a cat's torso.
And no, we're not posting a picture of it just yet. I have a few touch-ups to do and I want to spare the poor Ymirs the truth of his haircut.